On Friday 11 October, it was International Day of the Girl Child which was set up by the United Nations in 2011. The aims are to focus attention on the need to address the challenges girls face, and to promote girls’ empowerment and fulfilment of their human rights.

Spotlight On: Developing Independence and Agency

19 September 2024

Two of the social-emotional capabilities that Queenwood aims to develop are independence and agency. In this article Mrs Pip Turner, Year 5 Teacher and Junior School Coordinator of Pastoral Care, discusses the resounding success of the Year 5 Independence Project at Queenwood. Through hands-on experiences and risk-taking, the girls have gained confidence, resilience and a stronger sense of agency. The project highlighted that with trust and encouragement, our girls can achieve more than they ever imagined.


Interview with: Ms Jade Gibson Head of Drama

12 September 2024

At Queenwood, the Drama program is much more than just a class or an extracurricular activity. It’s an immersive experience that fosters confidence, creativity, and courage in young women. To shed light on this unique program, Ms Rebecca Birch, the Director of Research and Practice, sat down with Ms Jade Gibson, the Head of Drama, to discuss how Queenwood’s approach to drama education empowers students both on and off the stage.


Spotlight On: The Changing Landscape Of Our Children's World

5 September 2024

Last weekend, Professor Jean M. Twenge was a key speaker at The Festival of Dangerous Ideas convened by the Ethics Centre. Her presentation, entitled "The Machines Killing Our Kids," was extremely thought-provoking. In light of this, Mrs Suzanne Kerr, Director of Wellbeing at Queenwood discusses how Queenwood's Wellbeing Program explicitly targets the social and emotional needs of students to ensure they are equipped with the necessary skills and opportunities to foster student voice, autonomy and social connection.


Spotlight On: Through struggles to the stars... and beyond!

23 August 2024

On the eve of our centenary year, we remain loyal to our foundations and values. Queenwood is a beacon of girls’ education, a school that produces women of Truth, Courage and Service. How many organisations can say that the values on which they were founded remain their foundations 100 years later and beyond? 


Spotlight On: Zoning Out to Zone In

28 June 2024

Modern technology has nearly eradicated boredom, creating a tech-saturated, hyper-connected world that we both love and loathe. Many of us can’t imagine being without our mobile phones. Life has changed quickly, hasn’t it?


Interview with: Mr Dylan Chalwell Head of English

21 June 2024

Recently appointed Head of English, Mr Dylan Chalwell, brings a wealth of experience and energy to the faculty. Ms Rebecca Birch, Director of Research & Practice, interviewed Mr Chalwell to uncover his opinion on what it is that makes the experience of reading literature so special, in an age of near-constant reading via texts, social media and mindless scrolling.


Spotlight On: Let's Talk

19 June 2024

Research informs us about the alarming impact on the mental health of teenagers and increasingly pre-teenagers (particularly girls) when digital device use goes unchecked. In this article we offer advice and suggestions for parents to enable us together to support our girls as they navigate the often complex and confronting social media realm.


Spotlight On: Gifted Education

24 May 2024

The field of gifted education is plagued by myths and misconceptions. In line with Gifted Awareness Week, we hope to dispel two of the myths and raise awareness of the complex needs of our gifted students.


Spotlight On: In praise of librarians

28 March 2024

Having had the good fortune of working with wonderful librarians for most of my teaching career, I had somewhat taken their expertise for granted.


Spotlight On: The Heart of Poetry

15 March 2024

There is a paucity of poetry in many children’s lives. At Queenwood, we’re bucking the trend.