

  • Applications will open in Monday 9 September 2024 and will close on Friday 31 January 2025.

  • Applications for Music scholarships will close Wednesday 29 January 2025 and auditions of shortlisted candidates will be held on Saturday 8 February 2025.

  • An academic examination for all applicants will take place on Sunday 9 February 2025.

  • Interviews will be offered to shortlisted candidates only and will be held in early March 2025.

Scholarships and bursaries are awarded in full or proportional fees remission. For further information regarding scholarships please contact the Admissions Team.
Click here to apply for scholarships.

Academic Scholarship

Academic Scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic potential and ability to positively contribute to the life of the School. All scholarship and bursary applicants are required to sit an academic examination.

Year 7, Year 10 & Year 11 2026 (Year 10 and Year 11 External applicants only)

  • Online application including NAPLAN results and most recent Academic School Report.

  • Academic examination on Sunday 9 February 2025.

  • Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed by a senior member of the academic team in March 2025.

  • Current Queenwood students who will be commencing Year 7 in 2026 are eligible to apply. 

The Academic Examination:

The examination measures performance in relation to the examination cohort. Questions are demanding and that not all students will complete each test within the time allowed.

Students are assessed in:

  • Abstract reasoning and problem solving – this test assesses the ability to reason with and analyse information using verbal, mathematical, figural and spatial concepts.

  • Mathematics achievement and reasoning – Students are assessed on mathematics reasoning tasks. These are different to curriculum-based mathematics and focus on problem-solving skills.

  • Reading comprehension – this test assesses the ability to remember, locate, analyse, evaluate, derive and combine text propositions with fiction and non-fiction texts of increasing complexity.

  • Written Expression – this test assesses students’ facility with written language. A stimulus is provided for students to produce a piece of writing in a particular genre (e.g. narrative or persuasive writing).

Music Scholarship

Music Scholarships are awarded to encourage excellence in Music and to develop the talents of gifted musicians.

Year 7, Year 10 & Year 11 2026 (Year 10 and Year 11 External applicants only)

  • Online application including NAPLAN results and most recent Academic School Report. 

  • A video recording of performance excerpts (maximum 5 minutes).

  • NB: Music candidates will be required to provide their own accompanist.

  • Academic examination in February 2025. NB: Music candidates are not expected to achieve the highest examination rank; their performance in the test is considered in the context of the strength of the audition.

  • Current Queenwood students who will be commencing Year 7 in 2026 are eligible to apply. 

  • Applications welcome from outstanding musicians on all orchestral and band instruments to support our large ensemble program, with multiple disciplines an advantage. Piano and vocal scholarships can only be offered when combined with another instrumental discipline.

  • Successful candidates are expected to undertake Music as an elective subject from Year 9, as well as participate in the cocurricular music program.

  • Students are ideally exceptional for their age and may have completed high grades or diploma level exams with outstanding results. Please contact to discuss if your daughter fits into this category.

Audition requirements:

  • Two contrasting pieces performed on the principle instrument and, if applicable, one on another instrument. Pieces must be accompanied unless written specifically as solo pieces without accompaniment. Maximum combined performance time is 12 minutes.

  • A short sight-reading test will be required on principle instrument. Sight-reading on additional instrument may be requested, if applicable.

  • A short aural test involving: sight-singing; listening (with questions about tonality, rhythm, metre etc); and a written test (with questions about notation, terminology).

  • A short interview about the pieces performed and general musical interests will be conducted after the performances and aural test.


All-Rounder Scholarships are awarded to students not currently enrolled at Queenwood, who will enrich the life of the school community. This student will be a very high academic achiever, with additional demonstrated strengths in multiple areas, which may include sport, community service, leadership, dance, drama, music, visual arts or languages. Displaying high potential and achievement in the academic examination will be required for candidates to be shortlisted for interview.

Year 7, Year 10 & Year 11 2026 (External applicants only)

  • Online application including NAPLAN results and most recent Academic School Report.

  • A covering letter written by the student outlining why she could be considered for the scholarship. The letter should be no longer than one A4 page.

  • A Curriculum Vitae (three pages maximum) outlining the applicant’s achievements in the last two years in her school and local community.

  • Academic examination on Sunday 9 February 2025.

  • Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed by a senior member of the academic team in March 2025.

The Grace Lawrance Bursary

The Grace Lawrance Bursary is awarded on the basis of academic potential and ability to positively contribute to the life of the school. It aims to make the outstanding academic and cocurricular offering at Queenwood available to a student of high academic potential who can develop into a young woman of energy, character, and purpose. The Bursary covers tuition fees at Queenwood each year. As a Bursary is means-tested, parents of shortlisted candidates will be asked to present their financial circumstances for assessment by Edstart. This information will be kept strictly confidential. Displaying high potential and achievement in the academic examination will be required for candidates to be shortlisted for interview.

Year 7, Year 10 & Year 11 2026 (External applicants only)

  • Online application including NAPLAN results and most recent Academic School Report. 

  • A covering letter written by the student outlining why she could be considered for the scholarship. The letter should be no longer than one A4 page.

  • A Curriculum Vitae (three pages maximum) outlining the applicant’s achievements in the last two years in her school and local community.

  • Academic examination on Sunday 9 February 2025.

  • Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed by a senior member of the academic team in March 2025. 

  • Current students needing financial assistance can apply for hardship assistance. Please note these requests are assessed by an external assessment company.


One way Queenwood embodies the founding values of the school is by providing mean-tested scholarships for girls for whom a Queenwood education would otherwise be out of reach. These scholarships serve as a life changing opportunity for the recipient, opening doors to exceptional learning experiences. 

Donate to our Means-Tested Scholarship Appeal and help change a young girl’s life.


Enter your daughter's birth date to find out when she should commence at Queenwood.