Recently appointed Head of English, Mr Dylan Chalwell, brings a wealth of experience and energy to the faculty. Ms Rebecca Birch, Director of Research & Practice, interviewed Mr Chalwell to uncover his opinion on what it is that makes the experience of reading literature so special, in an age of near-constant reading via texts, social media and mindless scrolling.

Spotlight On: Living for Yourself

18 August 2023

Now that the bulk of my high school years are behind me, I will treasure dearly all the memories I’ve made, both pleasant and painful, with the people I’ve met. The invitation to attend the Senior Service, a simple email, was a stark reminder for me that all people, places, and things in our lives have a shelf life. So why spend that precious, irreplaceable time being someone you’re unhappy with?


Spotlight On: The Logic of English

10 August 2023

Sometimes, it can be painful to reflect on past practice, especially when we know better. But, with a firm belief in the warmth of our Queenwood community, I’m going to share a story.


Spotlight On: Pushing the Bounds of Human Knowledge

4 August 2023

In an era when search engines and artificial intelligence can answer questions instantly and with increasing credibility, should we still consider this daunting task to be a worthwhile endeavour? Both academic research and the lived experience of our Queenwood students would suggest so. For students in the short term, research demonstrates that completing an extended essay can be a statistically significant contributor to academic success at university.


Spotlight On: Sticky Knowledge

28 July 2023

At Queenwood we have long recognised the benefits of building background knowledge as a foundation for life and key to further inquiry often through reading. We are committed to providing our girls with a liberal education.


Strokes of genius

27 July 2023

Queenwood Rowing is experiencing its most successful year in its 31st year history with the selection of 5 individual Queenwood rowers who will compete together in the Junior Women’s Coxed Four at the U19 World Championships in Paris.



Spotlight On: Welcome Back

21 July 2023

A warm welcome to Term 3, especially to new families joining Queenwood. We hope you have had plenty of time to rest and recuperate after an eventful Term Two. As a school we have become expert in finishing a term with a flourish, whether it be House Music Festival or farewell events for Ms Stone.


Spotlight On: Farewell

16 June 2023

It has been an honour to lead the School over the last nine years, and I leave it in good hands now, with Mrs Belinda Moore as Acting Principal and then, in January, our new Principal Mrs Marise McConaghy. As the School grows ever stronger under their leadership, I will be watching your daughters’ progress from afar and cheering them on with great affection.


Spotlight On: Connections that Age

9 June 2023

Age is used to group people. It is often used to categorise individuals by skills and interests, as at school. For the most part, this makes sense. It would be strange to have a Kindergartener working in the classroom with a Year 12.


Spotlight On: The Great Motivator

2 June 2023

Students who feel control over their own learning, learn not because someone is telling them to, but because they want to.


Announcement from the Chair

29 May 2023

On behalf of the Queenwood Council of Governors, we are delighted to announce the appointment of Mrs Marise McConaghy as the ninth Principal of Queenwood, from Term 1 2024 onwards.