Dear Parents and Guardians
After the Premier’s announcement this afternoon, it is clear that we are entering a new phase of public life with implications for schools.
Pending confirmation of this announcement by the Premier tomorrow morning, we are moving to accelerate our transition to online learning.
Students may come to school tomorrow, Monday 23 March 2020, and collect their belongings but normal lessons will be suspended as we make necessary preparations for the coming weeks.
Senior School students may therefore either:
- arrive in the normal way, attend Tutor Group as usual and supervision will be provided as they work independently until 3:20; or
- drop in at any time between 9:00am and 2:00pm to collect textbooks, chargers, musical instruments, subject specific items (eg. art supplies) and visit IT if they need assistance addressing issues arising from the online trial last week.
Junior School students may therefore either:
- arrive in the normal way, attend Roll Call with their Class Teacher as usual and supervision will be provided until 3:20; or
- drop in at any time with their parents between 9:00am and 2:00pm to collect books, home-learning resource packs, headphones and musical instruments.
Buses will operate as normal. Lunch orders will not be available via flexischools although Senior School students may purchase lunch directly from the canteen if required. Staff will be using the time to prepare to move fully to online learning.
We have not yet been advised of details by the Government, but we expect that the children of workers in essential services will continue to be able to attend school and be supervised while they complete online learning tasks with their peers. We ask parents who are in this position to complete the Essential Services Worker Registration Form so we can anticipate the number of students requiring supervision on site.
We greatly appreciate the flexibility and forbearance which has been shown by our parent community so far. We will provide further updates tomorrow as more information comes to hand.
Yours sincerely
Elizabeth Stone