
Queenwood is enriched by its active community of parents and friends

The energy and goodwill of our parent community is vital in building a school in which girls can flourish. From Kindergarten to Year 12, parents have many opportunities to get involved.

On any given day you will see parents contributing across the School – cheering on the sidelines, organising a sports dinner, wielding the tongs at a barbecue, helping in the library, raising funds for scholarships and bursaries, sharing their professional experience with the students… and much more. 

Welcoming new families and fostering relationships within the parent community are a particular focus of the Queenwood Parents’ Association (QPA). As parents connect with each other, they can share the joys and pitfalls of parenting with fellow-travellers and ultimately look back on a special, shared experience.

All parents are warmly invited to join the QPA which organises a wide variety of social events and takes an active role in working with the Principal to support and promote the School.

Those who wish to be more involved can also volunteer for roles on the Committee or as year level representatives. To find out more about the QPA please contact

To read more about the QPA please click here.

