
We encourage our girls to assume responsibility - first for themselves and then for others

The young woman who graduates from Year 12 is radically different from the girl who first entered our gates.

From the start, girls are welcomed into a community and culture of high expectations. We offer an environment where even the youngest girls can safely develop their independence and a strong sense of identity. As they grow into responsibility, their self-confidence and resilience mature, preparing them for their lives beyond school.

Our girls grow up observing effective, purposeful leadership in their daily life at Queenwood. They benefit especially from the example of our alumnae who regularly return to offer wisdom gained from their experience in diverse fields and locations around the world.

Through a rich array of activities and learning environments, girls learn essential personal and leadership skills. We emphasise the practical nature of leadership: it is a job and not a prize, and recognition is earned and not conferred.

At each stage there are formal and informal opportunities for girls to lead their peers and some of the most rewarding moments come as girls make connections across different age groups. The students themselves provide powerful role-modelling, and we delight in seeing them lift each other through their energy, enthusiasm and engagement.

Beyond Perfectionism
Virtue Is Its Own Reward